This Penile Aide by Size Matters helps you increase the length and girth of your penis by using a traction method. The aide system’s spring loaded steel rods assist your body’s natural ability to develop and change under physical influence. Hence, if you subject your penis to constant stretching, the cell tissue will begin to divide and multiply and therefore increase the tissue mass. This is basically a very similar technique to what African tribes have been using for years to stretch their ear lobes and lips.
The standard rods support a length of up to 5 inches. If you desire more stretching, you should add the extension rods that can stretch up to a length of 7.5 inches.
This device is very discreet and can be used any time of the day during different time intervals. You can wear the aide under your boxers while at work or at night when you sleep. The device only weighs a few ounces, fits neatly against the inside of your thigh, is flexible, and is small enough to be held in your palm.
This penile aide system is affordable and offers great value compared to other penis development methods. The system is safe to use as there are no vacuum pumps or heavy weights involved.
Size Matter believes very strongly in their program and its effectiveness, hence, they give a 100% money back guarantee. If, after using the system for 6 months, you do not see any results, Size Matter will refund you.
Please note: This product is marketed as an adult novelty toy product only; the product is not intended to have any therapeutic purpose of effect whatsoever. This adult novelty toy product is not intended for any disease condition or to have any effect whatsoever on any function or the structure of the human body.